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This is Stephanie

Faces of Penta

Image of stephanie a member of pentahotels

This is Stephanie

It’s that time again folks. Faces of Penta is back and you’ve got the opportunity to meet another one of our lovely members of staff and find out a little bit about them.


This month we are off to Leipzig to meet and have a laugh with Stephanie, who is a Convention Sales Manager with us. She has been with Penta since May 2022.


This episode covers a range of subjects like style icons, least favourite chores and dancing styles - all in under two minutes. But before that, we asked her for a sentence to describe what it’s like working for Penta…


“Working with my Penta colleagues is always a party ????” 


Short, sweet and very accurate! Find out more about Stephanie by watching the quickfire video here.

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Picture by riccardo a member of pentahotels

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Faces of Penta

Black and white picture of anastasia a member of pentahotel wiesbaden

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Faces of Penta

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Faces of Penta