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A chat with Josh Turner

Movers & Shakers

Josh Turner, owner of the label Stand4Socks, looking at socks flying around him.

A chat with Josh Turner

"What if socks could change the world?" This is the question that Josh Turner asked himself that led to the creation of his company Stand4Socks. These great folks create sustainable socks in a bunch of cool designs and for every pair sold, a pair is donated to someone in need. This year Penta collaborated with Stand4Socks for our #PENTAGIVES b2b campaign, resulting in over 2,000 donations across Europe. We asked Josh a few questions (but maybe not quite so life changing) of our own.


Penta: What do you think of garden gnomes? 

Josh: I actually don't mind them. Funny story: me and my brothers all took the same one to University as a doorstop for our room.


P: Where do you feel most at home? Where is your ‘hood? 

J: Honestly, behind my laptop. As sad as it may sound, I truly love the work I get to do every single day and I never want to stop! 


P: Tell us about a project that is keeping you busy in this period. 

J: We just wrapped up our first collaboration with Penta Hotels. Bringing our socks to people in need in over 20 cities across Europe – that was quite a feat. Can’t wait to hear the feedback from Penta’s clients and from the charities involved. This is the right start for a better 2021!


P: Who are your role models? 

J: Richard Branson has been a role model to me from a very young age. He is dyslexic like me, but a globally successfully entrepreneur disrupting the norm in so many different industries. 


P: You have ten seconds to tell our readers why they should check you out.

J: Because not all socks are the same. Shock I know. At Stand4Socks we create the most comfortable socks on the planet, without compromising on style or ethics. We have some extremely exciting collaborations and designs - and each pair donates an antibacterial pair to someone in need. #SockOn


P: Who is the last person you called? 

J: Ha, my mum!  


P: Pizza or burgers? 

J: Pizza, far more variants – for example here in Manchester a place does a Big Mac flavoured pizza… that’s insane! (Crazy Pedro’s)

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