Come as a stranger, leave as a friend







Turquoise sticker with the quote
A drawn phrase saying

Let's be Friends


Sign up now for our Friends program and get immediate perks for your upcoming stay. Like what exactly? Well, a 10% discount on all your food & drinks and relaxed check-in/check-out times is a pretty good start, right? Then on top of that, you’ll get 10% off on all your future bookings as well as all kinds of other perks. It’s quick, easy and free. There’s no reason not to!

Picture of a pentalounge with darts and mirror ball


Here at Penta, we’re all about building lasting relationships, and we have plenty of experience in accommodating corporate guests from all kinds of industries, including the entertainment sector. Want to see the benefits of teaming up with us? 

Drawing of a super hero with a cape holding a spoon and a soup plate


Based on the concept of ‘buy one, give one’, our SOUPER HEROES campaigns of the past few winters have been a s(o)uper success. So, we thought, “why stop there?” and we’ve made it permanent.This means for every soup sold in a Pentahotel, we will donate one soup to a local charity partner, all year round. 1 soup sold = one soup donated.

We know that when it comes to doing good in our communities, there is no such thing as one-size-fits-all. This is why each of our hotels collaborates with a local charity of their own choosing, with whom they can have a direct and positive impact on their community. Chat with our colleagues in the hotels about their charity partner or click the button below.

Turquoise sticker on a grey background with the quote
Four daily sections starting at 8 am, 1 pm lunch, 3 pm work on laptop and 7 pm time for the bar.

Your new home

Your new... bedroom… dining room… office… living space…

Stay for longer and pay less – the perfect long stay offer for you. There are plenty of reasons to stay longer at Penta. Maybe you are working on a long-term project, you relocated to a new city and haven’t found a permanent place yet, or you need a home office while travelling. For all situations, Penta has the perfect long stay offer for you.

Let’s Be Direct: Three Reasons to Book Via Penta.

Take Ten

When you book directly with us, we’ll take 10% off your stay.

Pay What You See

There’s no hidden fees, the price you see is the price you pay. Promise.

Plenty of Perks

Because 10% off didn't seem like enough, we've thrown in a few more treats for our Friends