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This is Vincent

Faces of Penta

a bird in front of a pink background

This is Vincent

 This month’s Face of Penta comes to you from Pentahotel Kassel. Vincent’s spirit animal is the lofty eagle, and we see a bit of a connection there with his job as well (hint: things are getting airborne). But our favourite thing about Vincent is his kindness, and would you believe he said the same thing about us?! Shucks. Read on for his drink of choice, passions and more. 

1. Hi, let’s start with your name. 

Vincent Reißig. 


2. What do you do for a living? 

Aircraft Inspector for business and private jets. 


3. …and how would you describe that in simple words to your 6-year-old self? 

I make sure that airplanes fly safely. 


4. Drink of choice? 

White wine or a whiskey cola. 


5. Tell us something that you are passionate about. 

I’m a passionate Harley Davidson driver but my current project is restoring an American muscle car. 


6. What's your favourite thing about Penta? 

The kindness of the Penta team, the design of the lobby and bar, and the fitness studio! 


7. Last one: what’s your spirit animal? 


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