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This is Serhan

Faces of Penta

Black and white picture of serhan a member of pentahotel reading

This is Serhan

This time for our revamped and now video(!) series, Faces of Penta, we’re off to the Thames Valley in South East England. Specifically, the county town of Berkshire...


Serhan, general manager at Pentahotel Reading, has been there since August 2022, although before that he spent five years managing our Ipswich property after he joined us in 2017. 


Before we chat alternative career paths, head or heart decisions and what impresses him, we asked Serhan to describe what Penta means to him, here’s what he had to say:


“I love the Penta brand and the people I get to work with. My personal anthem is

I feel good by James Brown, and this pretty much sums up the atmosphere here for me: lively, energetic and upbeat. Sometimes, it can be a bit like the movie 50 First Dates - the rom-com about a guy who falls for a woman with daily memory loss, so he needs to win her over again each day. I mean that in a good way of course *wink*. Every day brings something new and exciting and a different challenge.”


Well, how’s that for an endorsement?! We can only reciprocate with the same feelings Serhan; we’re delighted to have you as part of the Penta team! Anyway, you can find out more about the man himself by watching our quickfire video here.

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