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This is Catherine

Faces of Penta

 A picture of Catherine a face of penta

This is Catherine

Our August Face of Penta stopped by at Pentahotel Brussels City Centre. Catherine is motivated by being able to help others, and she focuses her attention on The Belgian Kids' Fund for Pediatric Research and Operation Chaussettes (Operation Socks in French). If you’ve been a Penta follower for a while, you’ve probably read about our #PENTAGIVES initiative. And you might remember that socks are one of the most requested items by homeless shelters because they are rarely donated, but they make a huge impact on the health and wellbeing of the people who receive them. So, head on over and check out these two great organisations linked above. We very much admire Catherine’s passion, and we can’t to see her again at Penta.


1. Who is the last person you called?

My husband.


2. What do you do for a living? I mainly dedicate myself to citizen actions for the homeless and to support associations such as "The Belgian Kids' Fund for Pediatric Research".


3. …and how would you describe that in simple words to your 6-year-old self?

I help out people who have no homes and are living on the streets. I organise a big collection to get them clothes. I help distribute food to them. I look for toys, sweets, and fruit at Christmas time for children whose parents don’t have the money to get them these things. Together with many other people, I work to raise money for doctors who are doing research on how to better treat children.


4. Tell us something that you are passionate about.

What motivates me is being able to help others, and there are so many causes that we can all support. I have chosen these two causes because they focus on people in precarious situations and children.


5. Who are your role models?

My mother.


6. Finally, what’s your drink of choice?


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