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The Fifth Element

Movie review

A picture from the fifth element movie starring milla jovovich and bruce willis

The Fifth Element

“Chicken! Good!”


Yes, Leeloo, chicken tastes amazing. Welcome to Earth.


And welcome Friend to our little homage to one of the craziest, whackiest and funniest sci-fi movies out there: “The Fifth Element”.


What’s this movie about? Oh, it’s simple. It’s the 23rd century and evil forces are plotting to bring destruction to our planet. They dabbled with us in ancient Egyptian times, they’ve got some engraved stones together, and now they have the power to take over. Ouch. But wait – if only we could have the so called fifth elemen, then we’d be safe and sound... This mythical fifth element actually takes the shape of an adorable Milla Jovovich with in-your-face dayglo orange hair, dressed in one of the most copied outfits at every costume party since then (more on that later).


Confused much? Just wait: Bruce Willis enters the scene as a gruff but very good-hearted taxi driver, who–against all initial intentions– ends up getting deeply involved in this intergalactic battle and eventually saving the world. And by taxi driver, we mean he flies around skyscrapers in one of the most iconic futuristic metropolises we have ever seen. A place filled with absurd characters, some of them still echoing on social media 25 years later (we are looking at you, Ruby Rhod).


If this doesn’t make a lot of sense, don’t worry – you are not watching “The Fifth Element” for the (outrageous) plot, you are watching it because it’s a party for your eyes and ears. Plus, you are guaranteed lots of laughs and plenty of fodder for dropping some quotes at your next office party. Or pottery class. Or wherever you hang out when you are not reading this amazing Friends Journal (may we suggest at our hotels? ????).


About that costume… The white-bandage minimalist outfit worn by alien Leeloo has gained a cult following of its own, to the point that a quarter of a century later Vogue records an interview with Milla just about that. But don’t discount the rest of the bizarre costumes seen on the other characters: this is the work of a genius, no less than Jean Paul Gaultier. Directed by Luc Besson, “The Fifth Element” is a rare French big-budget sci-fi movie in a landscape usually dominated by the US.


Here's our tip: watch it at Pentahotel Paris CDG Airport, in preparation for your own departure the next day. Just close your eyes when the airplane takes off and pretend you are in a flying taxicab driven by hero Korben Dallas.


Still credits: “LEELOO DALLAS MULTIPASS”, uploaded to YouTube by Aimless Thunder

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