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A chat with Natalie Campbell

Movers & Shakers

Portrait of Natalie Campbell standing between green hills smiling at the observer

A chat with Natalie Campbell

Water, that driving force of all nature. Connoisseurs know that there is good water and then there is GREAT water. If you are lucky enough to have stayed in one of our properties, then you too have probably experienced great water, courtesy of Belu. Belu is a drinks business that puts people and the environment first. They sell mineral water, tonics, mixers and filtration systems to the hospitality industry - and we are super proud to partner with them in our UK hotels. This month we caught up with Natalie Campbell, one of Belu’s CEOs, and she gave us some kick-ass answers to our monthly Movers & Shakers interview (all except for the last question that is, and hey, we respect that).


Penta: What do you think of garden gnomes?

Nat: Garden gnomes are gangsta. Think about it, would you mess with someone that had a gnome in their front garden? I wouldn’t. I also feel like they secretly come alive at night to gamble, drink rum and share the gossip they heard that day. Or maybe that’s a cartoon from my youth, can’t quite tell fact from fiction these days.


P: Where do you feel most at home? Where is your ‘hood?

N: I’m a north west London girl, I’ve recently moved to Hove because it feels like home, I know my neighbours and there is a local for everything. That’s what I had growing up. We all knew each other, it made life easier, lighter and fun. I’d bring back penny sweetshops, ice-cream vans, milk floats (the sound of them coming down the street at dawn is nostalgic) and the rag and bone man because fly tipping is just downright rude. Yes, I am that old and yes, I’d love a new generation of milk-women and rag and bone women too.


P: Tell us about a project that is keeping you busy in this period. 

N: We have just launched a new range of Belu Tonics and Mixers, they taste amazing and they are best-in-class environmentally as we use green glass with at least 70% recycled content. They look badass too! In terms of social impact, we’re still as committed as ever to giving WaterAid our net profit, so far over £5m has gone towards investing in clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene for everyone, everywhere.


P: Who are your role models? 

N: 15 year olds: they don’t have it easy but they are so motivated to live in a better world, I lap up listening to them talk about what is right and wrong. I gave up adult role models a long time ago, putting people on a pedestal in this era is hard, for them and us. All humans make mistakes but who wants to know the person they have admired for so long is a fake? So, I choose youth, the kids are alright.


P: You have ten seconds to tell our readers why they should check you out. 

N: Drink the difference with Belu to put people and the environment first, we are certified carbon neutral to the highest British standard and our profits to go WaterAid.


P: Who is the last person you called? 

N: My Co-CEO.


P: Pizza or burgers? 

N: No. I refuse to choose. Both are heavenly.

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