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This is Chrystelle

Faces of Penta

Artwork of a pixelated cat in blue and green colour

This is Chrystelle

Faces of Penta shows you the real people staying at the Pentahotels across Europe. We ask our guests some very important questions (what’s your spirit animal?) and they tell us a bit about themselves. This month we are in Liège, Belgium.


1. Hi, let’s start with your name.
Chrystelle Charlier.

2. What do you do for a living?
I am the director of a marketing agency specialising in real estate.

3. …and how would you describe that in simple words to your 6-year-old self?
I help people who sell houses to do it much better!

4. Drink of choice?
Gin & Tonic.

5. Tell us something that you are passionate about.
I have a blog that talks to women and tries to help them in various aspects of their daily lives.

6. What's your favourite thing about Penta?
I love the atmosphere and the decoration.

7. Last one: what’s your spirit animal?
I’m a cat: affectionate as long as I am loved.

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