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Naše hybridní akce spojují bezproblémovou technologii s reálnými zážitky, což znamená, že můžete spojit příjemné s užitečným. 


Přijímáme změny, které přinesl uplynulý rok, a ve všech našich hotelech se s nimi vyrovnáváme. Hybridní zasedací místnosti společnosti Penta umožňují souběžné pořádání schůzek na stejném místě. S naší průkopnickou technologií se mohou účastníci na místě zapojit prostřednictvím libovolného počtu virtuálních účastí, zatímco vaši kolegové z domova se mohou hladce zapojit z pracoviště. To znamená, že nikomu nebude odepřena účast na schůzce. 


Pokud jste místní, zastavte se a zjistěte více – jsme přece sousedé. Tak či tak si můžeme dát virtuální šálek kávy a společně vymyslíme nejlepší a nejkreativnější řešení pro vaši firmu. Na tuto výzvu jsme připraveni.


Malovaný obrázek dvou propletených zelených rukou

Jdeme na to

Spojte se, inspirujte se a tvořte v našem novém globálním sousedství.

Máte zájem o uspořádání hybridní akce ve společnosti Penta? Více informací naleznete v naší brožuře ve formátu PDF.

information brochure
Mikrofon před růžovým pozadím


Brussels City Centre

Let’s connect.

Ideally located at 2km from the city centre and 5 minutes hop to Bruxelles-Midi Train Station, we’re perfectly situated to host your hybrid event. We’ve a dedicated conference floor with panoramic views of Brussels, and 9 effortlessly stylish meeting rooms filled with natural daylight. It’s breathtaking up here, if we do say so ourselves – take a peek. You can trust us to provide your guests with a unique in-person experience that’s safe, personable and because it’s Penta…fun. And we promise equal engagement for your virtual audience with our whiz bang technology that allows for an enhanced experience. Your colleagues can join in from home, no complicated set up, just plug and play. Let's connect.

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A conference room at Penta Hotel set up for a hybrid meeting with a professional camera and a illuminated stage

CDG Airport

perfect location for your hybrid events

Located just 2km away from Charles de Gaulle airport, our studios are the perfect location for your hybrid events – thanks to our tech setup, AC, unique style and meeting rooms with daylight. There is no limit to what we can achieve for your guests at both our hotel and at home. From high quality screens and technicians on site, your dream event is just an email away. Don’t worry about integration either, your colleagues will feel like they are right by you when enjoying your event.So let’s get creative, pack your bags (or stay at home) and let’s get this show on the road!

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TV recording at a conference room at Penta Hotel


It’s time to talk about your next hybrid event.

With 17 stylishly designed meeting rooms available, we’re full to the brim with layout options for your next hybrid meeting. All our rooms are naturally lit and fully equipped for digital broadcasts with access to screens, speakers and everything you might need to connect. Your at-home-colleagues will be able to seamlessly integrate with the in-house action. Unfortunately, they won’t have access to our gorgeous outdoor terrace, which is a shame, but you can send them a selfie. Our legendary friendly Penta staff are ready to spring into action and showcase their hospitality. Don’t leave them hanging. It’s time to talk about your next hybrid event.

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Conference room with a large screen in the front where a hybrid meeting takes place


Connect with your colleagues from the comfort of one of our 12 meeting rooms. Whether you’re looking for an intimate classroom, boardroom or a giant theatre style presentation, our hybrid events are uniquely tailored to your needs. Events have access to our high spec technology which is ready to go at the touch of a button. Your virtual audience can easily tap in from home, and your in-house attendees can engage the old-fashioned way. Both will get to enjoy the hospitality and professional service Penta Hotels is famous for. Talk to us about the different packages available. 

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A conference room at Penta Hotel that is prepared for a hybrid event
Růžový telefon na růžové zemi pro rezervace v hybridních akcích hotelu Penta